Breach Mission and Vision

To unleash the true potential of Blockchain and Decentralized gaming. Breach is on a mission to provide a gateway for all gamers to join the revolution of P2E and on-chain games through simplifying the transition in the form of a gamified social platform.
The future of entertainment is NFT. Breach builds on top of the hottest Blockchain innovations to create a future of fair play and P2E. We are aiming at building the Decentralized Gamified Medium wherein your information, profile, game, and interactions belong to you and are all working to your benefit.
Our purpose revolves around our care for our community’s time. When you play games, create content, and interact with it, you should not be the one left unrewarded. We created Breach to give you the freedom and independence to achieve your goals and do the thing you love most. Match. Play. Socialize. Create.